The amount of moose running through our neighborhood this year is kur-rayyyyy-zeee. Scratch that. They're not running anywhere. They are ambling. Strolling. Downright
mosey-ing. Here's a skinny-legged twig-eater hanging out at our road's stop sign, with her yearling hiding down in the ditch behind her. I literally rolled down my window, held up my cell phone, and shouted, "Say cheese, you freakazoid!"
She wasn't amused.
Dinner last night:
grilled chicken and gnocchi, green salad
Exactly four years ago:
Exactly five years ago:
What a sight.
Wouldn't that be "moOsey-ing?"
Is it like living in the mountains, you kind of get used to it after a while? Personally, I think it's fantastic.
Is it like living in the mountains, you kind of get used to it after a while? Personally, I think it's fantastic.
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