Monday, August 20, 2012

A New Era

Although my eldest daughter won't be starting high school for another week (*gulp* SHE'S GOING TO BE A FRESHMAN *gulp*), volleyball tryouts have already been held. The girls have been practicing for a couple weeks now, and the team participated in its first tournament of the season over the weekend.

You know me. I snapped a bunch of pictures of my child as well as of her teammates, thinking my daughter could post a couple on her Facebook page. Isn't that what kids do these days? Post pictures of themselves and their friends, and tag them, and whatnot?

My teenager told me in no uncertain terms that she absolutely would not display them. When I asked why not?, she simply said, "Because I don't want to."

Welcome to the high school years.

Dinner last night: teriyaki turkey burger

Exactly two years ago:

Exactly three years ago:

Exactly four years ago:


Unknown said...

I love the last "stuff" over the net!

Katherine said...

I'm surprised she doesn't want to...those pictures are awesome!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Exciting times for her. My great niece in Florida plays volleyball and loves it. Also goes to summer camps. She hopes to get a scholarship to college!

Anonymous said...

You linked to my Back to School Traditions link up last year. I was hoping you would link up again.

It looks like she is having great time.