Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Still There

On my way home from a recent trip to Homer, Alaska, I drove past a field. Not just any field. My husband and I refer to it as our field.

Shortly after he proposed, we walked out to the edge of this clearing, where the bluff overlooks Kachemak Bay, and set my little Kodak on a tripod to snap a picture of us all young and smiling and excited about our future together. The sun was shining then, and the sky was clear blue; the mountains rose magnificently behind us as we grinned at the camera.

That photographic moment occurred some time in the Mesozoic Era, back when cameras used these spool-y things called film—I've long since lost track of the negative and any print of our engagement portrait. But the field is still there, remarkably the same. And so are we. Of course, we're not young any more, but we're still smiling! Well, maybe not smiling, but at least we're not crying. And now that I think of it, we're not so much excited about things as we are exhausted.

Dinner last night: pasta and meatballs

Exactly two years ago:


Katherine said...

What a beautiful place. We had a hill where Hubster proposed to me, that we would go to occasionally, clear up until someone built a house there.

Mother Mayhem said...

Chuckle. :o)

There is a quicky gas station where Cap'n Chaos and I first met.

Karen Mortensen said...

Absolutely beautiful. I wish you still had that picture. I remember those cameras. Remember the flash cubes? Those were awesome after you took a picture.

Lindsay-ann said...

I loved seeing your field. It's so beautiful there. I enjoyed hearing about the writers conference too, that must have been so interesting. I hope for your dog's sake that you have hidden the scissors now! haha

Amy said...

My momma still has one of those cameras that use film....gasp!

Brad is coming to Alaska in July (this will be his 3rd trip!). This year instead of Kodiak they are going to Kotzebue. Are you familiar with that area?

Stephanie Faris said...

Awwww that's so sweet!

Kim said...

Amy, I wouldn't consider Kotzebue the prettiest area in the state—which isn't to say it doesn't offer its own sort of appeal—but I'm glad to hear he'll be visiting in July, when it's relatively warm up there.