Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Daisy Among the Daisies

Dinner last night: scallops pasta alfredo, green salad

Exactly two years ago:


Liz Mays said...

Darling, absolutely darling.

Michele said...

She's even smiling for the camera!

Kathy G said...

That's a keeper.

Katherine said...

Cute. Best dog picture I've seen in a while.

Unknown said...

She even smiles for pictures - what a good dog!

Karen Mortensen said...

I love your dog. So cute. The flowers are so pretty.

Anonymous said...

This is such a cute photo!

LisaDay said...

What beautiful Daisy (daises).


Shanniel Shakespeare said...

:) This made my day...I'm sitting here doing my sociology homework and something told me to check my blog updates. Lo and behold, it's Daisy sitting among the Daises!!!!! I'm glad you gave me something to smile about cuz sociology is a mood killer.

Heather~sheaaa6 said...

Ha! Love it! =]