Last year was the first time in my life that I observed Lent, and I have to say it was a very worthwhile experience for me. My 6 weeks of fasting from the Internet and spending time instead focusing on the Lord helped me to set priorities and find the balance I was looking for.
Because 2009's Lent was so successful, I didn't sense the need to fast from the computer in 2010; I've been doing well with my commitment to spend less time blogging. I still wanted to observe Lent this year, but didn't feel strongly about sacrificing in any particular area . . . until I read a post over at The Kennedy Adventures! Her mention of "40 Bags in 40 Days" really struck a chord with me, and I decided literally on the morning of Ash Wednesday how I will be observing Lent.
Each day, I will collect one bag's worth of items to remove from my house. The size of the bag will vary, according to the room in which I'm working, and sometimes the "bag" will be a trash can. Or a very large box. I've got a lot of stuff, people.
To keep myself accountable, I'll maintain a running list over on my sidebar. The goal is not to de-clutter, although that will be a wonderful bonus, but to work through my issues of hanging onto things and feeling overwhelmed. You know what I mean. Feeling that if I get rid of an object, I'm somehow throwing away the person who gave it to me. Or facing an organizing project that appears so daunting I can't even get started, and then worrying that maybe I'm just lazy or unmotivated. See? Only God and some serious medication can help me through these next 6 weeks . . . let's get this party started!

Why, Kim, whatever are you talking about?
Look at how neat and tidy your home is . . .

That's because whenever I'm short on time, and company is about to arrive, I grab up everything that's littering the floor and furniture and counter tops, throw it all into laundry baskets, and then hide them behind the couch in my bedroom.
Dinner last night: pork loin in apricot sauce, roasted potatoes and carrots, green salad
I love, love, love this idea! So excellent! I just blogged about some reorganization at my house...I found SEVENTEEN phone books (yikes!) and something like sixteen water bottles. Crazy! It feels so good to declutter, that I imagine every bag you take out will feel like a grand cleansing :-)
WOO HOO! Aren't you glad Dianna got us all started on this? A friend of mine stopped me at work today and said she's read my blog post about "40 bags in 40 days" and was doing that herself, PLUS had her kids doing "40 toys in 40 days" - giving away 40 toys to needy children during Lent!
What a great idea! I am a constant purger. I have a clutter phobia and I am always throwing away things or donating them to charity. Every once in a while, I say "Why did I get rid of that?" but most of the time, I never miss it. I just went through all three girl's closets and purged a bunch of clothes they don't wear anymore or have outgrown. It feels so much neater already!
Well you're not supposed to show us where you hide the stuff!
Good luck with letting go! I go in spurts of throwing everything away and then wanting to keep things. Hopefully it balances.
What a great idea. I'm not part of a liturgical denomination so I've never observed Lent but I felt inspired this year to give up Diet Coke. Each time I get a craving I take that time to thank Jesus for what He's done for me and the craving passes.
I think I will take on this challenge as well. I won't be home for all of the Lent period but for the time I am--Wow! I can do some real 'damage'.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Kim ... I admire you SO much for your observation of Lent last year! I'm so glad to spread the word about the 40 bags! Brett told me that I couldn't count the boxes/bags until they actually left the premises!
40 bags in 40 days? I think that sounds like a great project. I need to do something like that. I only recently realized that I'm a hoarder, too. I am trying hard to change that, and even though I'm a little late to the party and don't really do the whole Lent thing, I might just have to give this a try.
(The biggest thing I was thinking of was all the old jeans in my closet that I need to toss. So it cracked me up when I scrolled down and saw that the captcha said denim!)
OH yes! I have done this. Well, I have started this before....
You have inspired me!! I am determined to do this. Actually, it goes along nicely with my spring cleaning I have already been doing. I gave a TON of scrapbooking things away. I could have given it to my girls, but then it would have ended up back on my I know it!
40 bags in 40 days. I love it.
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