When she heard that Grandma was bringing her little ball of fluff to Alaska for a visit, my daughter was beside herself with joy. Each day after school, she races home to play with the dogs and then bundle them up for their daily walk.

You heard right. A Snuggie. FOR DOGS.
I refuse to discuss Ollie's designer sweater.
Dinner last night: pork chops with sour cherry sauce, mashed potatoes, green salad
Exactly one year ago today:
Late Afternoon on Turnagain Arm
Late Afternoon on Turnagain Arm
Looks cold enough for that wee doggie to need a Snuggie!! :) My daughter is also 9 and would love us to have a dog - we have a hamster and are going to get a rabbit in the Spring.
HAHAHA, a Snuggie. Actually my friend has one for her Yorkipugawawa. (yeah, you read that right). :)
Your mom is so pretty! How fun to have a new dog in the house, and Grandma too of course. :)
A dog must have to be very fashionable in Alaska! Looks like Ollie packed very well for his visit.
That is one young-looking grandma!! Wow! I would have a hard time believing she was even out of her thirties!
I saw the snuggie for dogs at Bed, Bath and Beyond when I was doing my christmas shopping!! Couldn't believe now dogs have their own snuggies!
That's so precious. She looks so happy in the picture too!
Cute Kim! =) I love how your Mom and daughter are smiling so pretty and both dogs are looking in the same direction. =) Too funny! I love the snuggie and sweater by the way. ;)
I don't if I ever told you how much I enjoy you posting your dinners at the end of your blog. =) Sometimes I do a search for recipe similar to try. I love trying new things. =)
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