Welcome to my weekly feature, Friday's Five, in which I ask another blogger five random questions. Make that FOUR random questions and an inquiry about last night's dinner. Because I need ideas, people!

1. What are your children's ages and what are their favorite books at the moment?
Braden is 7 and Mackenzie is 3.
At the moment, their favourite book is Cranky Pants by Stephen Sanzo. (They actually argue over who likes the book better.) It's a story of a little guy who is just having a flat out lousy day, and how his parents gently help soothe him out of it. Basically the overall gist is, Ya know what? You're a kid and you might have a cranky day and it's okay. You can start over fresh the next day when you're feeling better.
2. Tell us about a characteristic in each of your kids that you are happy they inherited from you.
As a child, I was always daydreaming and letting my imagination run wild. Actually, I still do. Before kids, I hoped I never had boring kids (Is there such a thing??) and I most definitely do not! Both Braden and Mackenzie unquestionably inherited the imagination gene. Which I love. Every day I am truly amazed at what these kids come up with, and how they play it out. At times they can get carried away with it, but I will always encourage them to embrace their imagination. With the risk of sounding cheesy, it takes you places.
3. Canada and the U.S. are both huge countries with lots of different groups of people, so this will require a sweeping generalization . . . what do you think is the biggest difference between Americans and Canadians?
Americans have more affection for Dr. Pepper than Canadians.
Seriously, though, I think the biggest difference is how patriotism is displayed. Canadians and Americans alike take great pride in their countries, no doubt. We celebrate Canada Day (July 1st) with great fervor, and some have the national flag flying outside our homes.
Americans seem to embrace Independence Day a little more, and rather than some, a lot of American homes have their national flag flying high. Although citizens of both countries are passionately patriotic, I think it's safe to say (with a sweeping generalization) Canadians can be . . . low-key, while Americans seem to express public spirit more often.
4. I've enjoyed seeing how your blog has evolved over the past couple of months, and I think your writing has found its groove. How would you describe your blogging style?
Thank you! I think it could be described as a "Mommy humor blog, with a smattering of serious."
5. What did you have for dinner last night?
Chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, and veggies (carrots, green beans, and peas).
Thanks, Lana! I love that you encourage your kids to be imaginative. And you may have a point about patriotic displays—the fact that I made a gigantic sheet cake decorated like a flag for our 4th of July barbecue seems to confirm your theory.
I'll be back next Friday with five more questions for another great blogger.
Friday's Five: Lisa (Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy)
Friday's Five: Helene (I'm Living Proof that God has a Sense of Humor)
Thanks for interviewing me! I'm looking forward to reading other bloggers you choose for future "Friday's Five"!
I love Lana!
Although I find it odd that she ate chicken last night when her post yesterday was an ode to Mexican food...Lol!
Neat interview!
Now I get to go check out Lana's blog...I'm looking forward to it! :)
Oh, and Kim...glad you are going to get your bird feeder up and going. You will be LOVIN' it!
wow great interview....where do i sign up???
makes me wish my beans were that lil again...
That was fun and I enjoyed hearing about your children and about being Canadian - we love you Canadians!!
Have a good weekend - Kellan
Great interview! I love Lana's blog! I read her every day!
I love her! She has one of the best blogs out there!
I love me some Lana too!!! Great interview!
Awesome interview....yay Lana!!
I have to admit that it was Lana's link on her blog that brought me to your site today, but your content that is making me stay. Aside from the Friday interview series, which is inspired, I loved seeing pictures of your lovely children and reading about all things Alaska...especially raising twin toddlers there.
You are one busy Mom in a beautiful place. Thanks for the wonderful insight.
Yay for Lana! I am now craving chicken and mashed potatoes. Thanks.
Very nice idea!
Just wanted to say a quick THANKS! to all of you who popped in to say hi. I really appreciate the comments and am having fun visiting your blogs.
Awe. That was fun! :) A little trip down memory lane. 3 1/2 YEARS ago! Holy cow!! Sometimes I miss blogging. But I just can't keep up anymore. Tried to make a few comebacks, but alas.. I don't comment much anymore, but I still read every post!! :)
Lana :)
Hey, Lana! So many of the bloggers I've interviewed no longer blog (traditionally)--I guess Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. are the new face of "blogging."
I have to say that after 4 years, I'm slowing down with my own blogging. My husband asked me the other day if I'm going to stop altogether . . . and I really couldn't answer . . . for now, I am still posting sporadically.
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